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All About Farming FAQs

  • Am I still able to participate in the Agoro Carbon program if I farm on rented ground?

    The farmer or rancher needs to have a valid interest in the property. This could entail owned or leased rights. You should inform your landowner and attest to Agoro Carbon Alliance that such rights will remain in place for the duration of the program.

  • How many of the offered practice changes can I implement?

    You can implement the offered practices individually or combine them, meaning that implementing several practices in the same year is possible. We have a checklist that will help walk you through the criteria to decide which you can implement and receive payments from. We will discuss together which of the practices you are qualified to implement. From there, it’s up to you how you choose to implement them.

  • How Often Is Soil Tested?

    Currently, Agoro Carbon plans to sample at least three times during the life of the contract to measure soil organic carbon levels.

  • I prefer to work with my trusted crop advisor; can I still work with them and receive payments?

    Yes, we anticipate that some farm operations will want to consult with their crop advisors to ensure successful adoption of their new practices and to plan for any additional impact it might have on their crop plans. We will still be entering into the contract directly with you to make sure you receive the payments. Whether you work directly with an Agoro Carbon Cropping Specialist or through your crop advisor, we will have resources available to make sure you understand what is expected and to help gather any information necessary to ensure payments can be made

  • If I have questions throughout the year onpractice implementation or other topics, isthere anyone I will be able to contact?

    You will get a dedicated support agronomist who will help you on any program-related questions throughout the year. Contact us learn about what to expect with practice implementation.

  • What do you mean by soil modeling, measuring, reporting, and verification?

    Agoro Carbon uses a scientifically robust approach for quantifying the accumulation of soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks on your land due to practice changes over the course of your contract, to issue credits to be sold in the voluntary market. Our methods follow the measure and model approach, approved by Verra. We use best-inclass MRV (measure, report, and verification) procedures to measure SOC changes using a rigorous soil sampling strategy and lab analysis of soil samples for SOC by certified third-party labs.

  • What happens if I decide to enroll in the program?

    Depending on the practices to be implemented, there might be slightly different steps, but overall: – Discuss program details and explore opportunities for practice changes on your farm or ranch. – Select practices, sign contract, and receive payments from Agoro Carbon according to the payment method selected. If you selected the financing option, the first pre-payment will be made within the first two months following successful data collection and successively in each anniversary year during years 1 to 4 of the contract. If you selected the non-financing option, you will receive payments at issuance, approximately in years 5 and 11. – Receive support collecting historical farming data (e.g., historical crop yield, fertilizer application rate) to establish project baseline, as well as support you in preparing for practice implementation. – Implement the practice changes. You will get support from a dedicated Grower Success Team member who can assist you throughout the program.

  • What happens to the data collected?

    Agoro Carbon Alliance takes data privacy seriously. Strict data sharing and privacy protections are in place to ensure your data is never misused. Our full data privacy policy can be found here: https://my.agorocarbon. com/privacy-policy

  • What is a carbon credit?

    A carbon credit is a traceable, tradable and finite permit or certificate representing 1 metric ton of carbon dioxide (CO2) (2,204.6 lbs) which is generated as a result of practice changes on your farm or ranch. Once projects are validated, then they are registered and verified, the credits can be bought and sold like any other fungible asset.

  • What is my role in the program?

    You collaborate with us to select and agree on the practices to be changed, and you share the required data in order to enroll. You then implement the agreed practice. Agoro Carbon will support you along the way. Agoro Carbon will process your data through an auditing and certification process. Agoro Carbon will support you in making the practice changes that turn into carbon credits (based on soil carbon sequestered), as well as finding buyers for the credits you generate.

  • What kind of documentation and data do I need to maintain?

    Documentation of data from the past 3 years of your operation is used to develop a baseline from which future practices will be compared. Cropland data would include tillage, pesticide applications, planting, fertility, irrigation, and harvest, while rangeland and pasture information would include animal husbandry and forage production practices. The farmer or rancher (seller) will need to maintain records of agricultural practices on the covered acres and provide that data to the agronomist or Grower Support Team annually. Historical data will be compared against new practice data to ensure that our program incentives contributed to implementing practice change. During the onboarding process, the Grower Success Team will aid in creating an implementation plan that will help the producer to understand the practice they will be implementing as well as best practices to ensure success for all parties involved.

  • When can I expect my first carbon pre-payment?

    Within 60 days following the collection of all necessary legal documentation, field boundaries, and historical data.