Ag Carbon Glossary

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Learn the ABC’s of agricultural carbon on our Ag Carbon Glossary. In this free resource you can test your knowledge, brush up on terms in the carbon credit space, or learn something new. What terms should we add? Let us know here.


A characteristic of a project that needs to be demonstrated in order to be eligible to participate in the voluntary carbon market. A project is additional if it’s activities are the cause of emission reductions/removals that would not have occurred otherwise, and would not have taken place without incentives produced by the voluntary carbon market.


Biotic resources, or the animals, plants, fungi and microorganisms, derived from a unit of land – measured in richness and abundance. Society, and an agricultural operation, benefit from biodiversity in terms of pollination of crops, predation of pests, hunting and enjoyment of nature. Biodiversity can be impacted directly by management practices such as seeding diverse species into a pasture or cover crops as well as indirectly through grazing management or the type of tillage system employed.

Cap & Trade Markets

A system in which organizations and countries are permitted to produce a set amount of carbon dioxide emissions and other atmospheric pollutants, with the provision that those who do not produce their entire allowance may sell their remaining capacity to those who have exceeded their allowed limit

Amber (Foster) Ryan
Amber (Foster) Ryan
Global Marketing & Communications Lead
Amber joined Agoro Carbon Alliance in May 2021, playing a key role in launching the U.S. carbon program. Since then, she has built and led the U.S. growth marketing team, developing strategies and initiatives that have strengthened Agoro Carbon’s brand, market recognition, and lead generation efforts. Before Agoro Carbon, Amber managed global corporate branding and North American marketing at AgroFresh, an AgTech innovator dedicated to reducing food waste in specialty crops. With a diverse background spanning agriculture, medical devices, retail, commercial real estate, and nonprofits, she brings a well-rounded approach of B2B and B2C marketing. Amber holds a degree in Strategic Communication from Temple University and is passionate about leveraging marketing to drive sustainability and innovation.
More about Amber (Foster) Ryan
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