Rod Fessler
Fessler Angus Ranch
Madras, Oregon
Carbon Sequestration Practices
Biodiversity/Seeding, Fertilization, Improved Grazing
Fessler Angus is one of Agoro Carbon Alliance’s partner ranches. Rod operates an Angus cow-calf operation near the Crooked River National Grassland outside of Madras, Oregon, with his wife Sherri, son Brent, and Brent’s wife and daughters. The Fessler family has been a part of the Agoro Carbon program since January 2022. On their ranch, they have adopted improved grazing, range seeding, and range fertilization practices. The ranch also utilizes an herbicide program to suppress undesirable winter annuals and allow more growth for the desirable native and perennial grasses.
I really feel ranchers and farmers are the true environmentalists of the land.”
Rod Fessler, Oregon Rancher
As the support agronomist to Fessler Angus, I help them track their grazing management. We keep records of the herds’ movements through the different pastures and any improvements they make to help the cattle graze more efficiently. This can include building or maintaining fences, adding water or mineral sources, and assisting the herds to access parts of the pastures they have historically not used to their full potential. I also help advise and track the seeding of new species, any fertilizer that is applied, and herbicide programs. It is a great perk of my job to establish relationships with ranch families like the Fesslers and support them throughout their carbon program.