Deep-Carbon storage: Biological, chemical & physical strategies to enhance carbon stocks in agricultural subsoils
A recently published paper in Soil Biology and Biochemistry has shed light on an overlooked but critically important component of carbon sequestration in soils. The paper highlights the role of agricultural subsoil, which is the soil that exists under the topsoil at depths greater than 30 cm, in combatting climate change through soil carbon sequestration. […]
Carbon Market Experts Talk Additionality Premiums
January 28, 2022 By Will Robinson with Brownfield Ag News A pair of carbon market experts say farmers and ranchers should look to capitalize on green practices before implementing them. Agoro Carbon Alliance Regional Manager Todd Carlton tells Brownfield ag producers should take their time when looking at carbon programs, but do it before making changes to farming […]
Cover Crops & Carbon Sequestration
For many years prior to the industrialization and mechanization of agriculture in the early to mid-20th century cover crops were an integral component of many farm operations – Thomas Jefferson even wrote about them in his farm journal. In modern agriculture cover crops have gained immense popularity amongst progressive and innovative farmers and ranchers as […]