Carbon Farming Podcast Ep. 9: Sustainable & Profitable Conservation Farming

Sustainable & Profitable Conservation Farming In this episode we visit with Frank Rademacher, a farmer from East Central Illinois with several years experience in sustainable practice changes on his farm.  Frank and his family farm a corn and soybean rotation and have been continuously been practicing no-till and cover cropping for the last 5-8 years. […]

Dryland Wheat Farmer profile, Washington, USA

“In our climate I don’t see a down side to capturing carbon. People love to romanticize the image of the farm life, nah we are production ag we are a business and ultimately you have to take the emotion out of it and be profitable.“   – Devin Moon, Washington Dryland Wheat Farmer

Introducing the Agoro Carbon Alliance

Farmer, Devin Moon, shares his perspective on conservation ag practices and how he’s taking action towards a more profitable and sustainable future for his business.